Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

AVR Data Acquisition System

06/04/2009 Category: AVR, Digital, Monitoring, Project

This project will show you how to build AVR Data Acquisition System that connected to PC. There are two main part in this project, PC par for GUI display and ATmega8 based data converter board as data reader.

Temperature sensor are connected to the 6 channels ADC input that already available onchip ATmega8. PC software build from Visual Basic.


Here are features that available on PC software : Real time view in single graph or multiple graph – Adjustable sampling interval – Record the data, save, and open the recorded database – Serial control window for monitoring and manually data transfer – Get statistically reading, print the record and graph (or export it as the metafile, JPG). link

Documentation, schematic, firmware (.zip) and PC software (.rar)