Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


Lead-Acid Battery Tester, Desulfator & Charger

April 01, 2013 By: admin Category: AVR, Power Supply, Tools No Comments →

Da Pimp is ATmega48-based portable Lead-acid battery tester, desulfator & charger designed by Mikey Sklar. It uses capacitors instead of a transformer for efficient conversion of AC to DC voltages. With input 120VAC, it will deliver 0.5A constant current output and dynamic voltage 1VDC – 100VDC. While 220VAC input will increase its current output to […]

Fast Portable USB Charger, SuperBoost

January 24, 2013 By: admin Category: Analog, Tools, USB No Comments →

This project is inspired by the simple usb charger, Minty Boost. It helps you to re-charge your mp3 player, camera, cell phone, and just about any other gadget you can plug into a USB port with faster rate than minty boost. Instead using LT1302 chip with limited to 600mA, it uses LM2700 from National which […]

AVR Based In-Circuit Conduction Tester

January 07, 2013 By: admin Category: AVR, Tools No Comments →

If you want to built proto-board conduction tester and keep your sensitive parts save, then you can try this project, In-Circuit Conduction Tester. The project uses an AVR microcontroller (ATtiny13V) to simplify the hardware, a buzzer as output indicator, CR2032 battery as power source and few passive part to make it works.

FPGA Based Logic Analyzer, BitHound

September 20, 2012 By: admin Category: FPGA, Measurement, Tools No Comments →

BitHound is 32-channel logic analyzer implemented on the Atlys Spartan-6 board and a custom interface board. A logic analyzer is a device used to display and analyze logic signal on e.g. data busses. It is a sort of oscilloscope, being capable of only displaying digital “low” and “high”, but with much more channels. This project […]