Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Robotic Related Resources

Arduino Lightweight Two Wheel Balancer Robot

May 22, 2013 By: admin Category: Arduino, Control, Robotic No Comments →

VertiBOT is lightweight balancing robot based on Arduino Nano. This educational project was built to investigate and understand sensor fusion using kalman and complementary filter algorithm and PID control in an unstable system.

Tiny Line Following Robot With Wireless Setting, PocketBot

March 05, 2013 By: admin Category: AVR, Robotic No Comments →

Many people built line follower robot with focus on high speed feature. Usually, they built it for racing contest purpose. But, some other build line following robot with unique feature such as small size. The last type shows you the art and beauty of electronics project without vanish its function. PocketBot is the example for […]

Arduino Sumo Robot

February 23, 2013 By: admin Category: Arduino, Robotic No Comments →

Ardusumo is sumo robot which is built based on Arduino platform. The robot can move around avoiding obstacles and follow routes marked with dark lines on a white background. There are two type of sensors used in this system, two Sharp GP2D12 infrared distance meters to identify both the distance and the position of obstacles […]

Smart Shopping Cart

September 14, 2012 By: admin Category: FPGA, Miscellaneous, Project No Comments →

This Smart Shopping Cart will make your shopping activity more comfortable. You don’t have to push heavy chart anymore because smart shopping cart will follow you wherever you go. If you tired, you can ride it while shopping. The project based on Digilent’s Nexys2 FPGA Board and is programmed in the Xilinx’s ISE 10.1.03 environmentis. […]