Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Bascom AVR Related Resources

AVR Based VGA Controller

April 10, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Display, FPGA, Microcontroller, Project No Comments →

This AVR ATmega128-based VGA controller allows you to visualize images, text, lines and single pixel, on your pc monitor with a 640 x 480 pixels resolution, 64 colors, 60 Hz through USB-serial commands. Besides MCU, it uses FPGA Cyclone with a clock of 27.175 MHz to produce the synchronism signals for the video-vga and the […]

AVR Underwater ROV with Video Camera

April 05, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Miscellaneous, Project, Remote No Comments →

This project will detail the build process, and parts to build an Underwater ROV (Remotely operated underwater vehicle) with video camera. The project plan is to make it a flexible platform that will allow user to add new features like leak detector, temp/pressure sensors, depth, air lift balloons, torpedo, sonar, grabbing arm, artificial horizon, compass, […]

AVR Inductance Meter

February 19, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Digital, Measurement, Microcontroller, PIC, Project No Comments →

This Inductance Meter project is built based on AVR ATmega48V. Its firmware was written in Basic and compiled using Bascom AVR. The project use laptop or PC USB to supply the 5V power. To find unknown inductance (Lx), this L meter uses formula below and then display the result to 16×2 LCD.

AVR based PCB Drill Machine

November 29, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Motor, Project, Tools No Comments →

This project shows you how to construct a PCB drill machine driven by a master-controller board and three stepper motor driver boards. These four single sided PC boards each contain an Atmega16/32 microcontroller. Communication between the boards is performed using the RS485 protocol with all communication initiated by the master-controller. The PCB drill machine firmware […]