Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

AVR based PCB Drill Machine

11/29/2010 Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Motor, Project, Tools

This project shows you how to construct a PCB drill machine driven by a master-controller board and three stepper motor driver boards. These four single sided PC boards each contain an Atmega16/32 microcontroller. Communication between the boards is performed using the RS485 protocol with all communication initiated by the master-controller. The PCB drill machine firmware is completely written in Bascom-AVR.

AVR PCB Drill Machine

A stepper motor driver-board is an autonomic device. It gets a command from the master-controller-board and it takes care of the stepper motor motion, error-detection and error-correction. The initiative of communication on the RS485 bus is at the master-controller-board. It submits the stepper motor commands and will wait until the commands are done. This PCB drill machine project is designed by Ben Zijlstra, Theo Kleijn, and Ad Boogers.

PCB Drill Machine Block Diagram