GSM/GPRS Autonomous Weather Station
This autonomous tracking weather station is built based on PIC 16F877A and SIM900/300 GSM module. It takes (analog/digital) measurements and sends them to a web server over GPRS. It supports up to 3 Analog or Digital inputs. User can make it fully autonomous by adding a battery and a solar station.
The aim of the project is to take wind flow measurements of different locations and store them in a database remotely. Based on the database, user can find out the best locations for future installation of wind generators.
For the GSM communication, the project used SIM900/300 which is a very good, easy to use and cheap gsm module. It offers UART communication and can be controlled with AT Commands. It works at 3.6Volt and uses an external gsm antenna. For display, the weather station uses 16×2 LCD HD44780.