Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

AVR Based Rocket Telemetry Payload

07/07/2010 Category: AVR, Data Acquisition, Microcontroller, Monitoring, Project, Sensor

The purpose of the high altitude rocket telemetry payload was to design and develop a flexible flight computer to be flown onboard reusable mid and high powered model rockets. Since these designs are to be flown on relatively small rockets, size and weight were of paramount importance to the payload developed. At the same time, it also needed to be flexible as the system would need to evolve as the rockets it flew aboard became larger and more complex.


The system consists of a main computer board based around the ATMEL ATmega169 microcontroller, a power control system, a GPS receiver for tracking and recovery purposes, a wireless data telemetry downlink, a wireless color video downlink as well as additional sensors such as pressure and temperature transducers located inside the rocket. This Rocket Telemetry project is designed by Alex Beattie & Tarun Tuli from Canada.