Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

ATmega32 Ethernet I/O

02/06/2010 Category: AVR, Control, Interfacing, Microcontroller, Project, Remote

The AVR Ethernet I/O board with accompanying PC control software offers remote control of 4 relay activated devices and status monitoring of 4 opto-coupled inputs over the Internet. Remote control is accomplished using any web browser-abled computer, or by running the custom “Ethernet I/O Control Panel” Windows software on an Internet ready PC. Browser based access offers straight-forward control of the relays and status monitoring of the opto-coupled inputs.

AVR Ethernet IO project

The custom Control Panel software offers a few more features such as selectable on-off or momentary action of the relays and an audible WAV file alarm that is played on the remote PC whenever Input #1 is activated at the EIO Board.

The project uses ATmega32 microcontroller as main processor, Realtek RTL-8019AS as the network interface controller (NIC) and a MAX232 for RS-232 serial communication. Software for the EIO board was written and compiled using Bascom-AVR while the EIO Control Panel software was written in Visual Basic. AVR Ethernet I/O is designed by Hugh Duff and Ben Zijlstra from Canada.

Ethernet Bootloader
Project Detail and Documentation