Pinguino : PIC based Arduino
If Arduino board based on AVR microcontroller then Pinguino is Arduino board based on PIC Microcontroller. Pinguino is Arduino for PIC user. Its hardware is based on a PIC 18F2550. This chip has an integrated native USB module and an UART for serial link. Pinguino is Open hardware and Open software. The IDE ( integrated development environment ) is available for windows, linux and Mac os x .
The IDE of Pinguino is built with Python. An integrated preprocessor translates specific Arduino instructions directly into C. This preprocessor reduces the code length and the execution speed. Pinguino IDE is a standalone application with a C compiler (SDCC), assembler and linker (GPUTILS) and a bootloader based on the PUF VASCO project.
Download bootloader for 18F2550
Download Integrated development environment beta 3
PIC Arduino
Project Documentation and Schematic