Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Metal Detector Robot

01/13/2010 Category: Arduino, Project, Robotic

metal detector robot

Thunder Bird 7 is metal detector robot that able to detect metal like coins, gold, rings, or electric underground cables. The robot is built based on Arduino. With wireless camera at front top of robot, user can monitor the bots hunting the treasure from the comfort chair. The Camera is mounted to a servo that positions itself to look and pinpoint with laser and video the exact location of metalm during fine detect process.

Gareth, the robot creator, explains that metal detector which is attached to the robot consists of 2 separate detector coils wound around a ferrite rod. It is connected it to Beat-frequency oscillator circuit. When a metallic object disturbs the magnetic field of the search coil, the frequency of the search oscillator shifts slightly and the detector will produce a signal in the audio frequency range.

Metal Detector Robot
Project Detail and Documentation