Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Mini Logic Analyzer

03/13/2012 Category: AVR, Monitoring, Project

Mini Logic analyzer is ATmega8-based electronics tool that can be used to watch and analyze logic transitions 0 or 1 of a digital data signal. It comes with Nokia 3310/5110 LCD to display signal and it has 4 channel inputs. A digital data signal can be found on the output pin of TSOP-1730 Infrared Receiver, on the Transmit and receive pins of MAX-232 chip (RS-232), on Clock and Data pins of I2C data bus and many more electronic components. This circuit supports capturing for up to 400 kHz digital signals.

Atmega8 digital logic analyzer

The project uses 4.8V DC from 4×1.2V rechargeable batteries. Firmware is written using AVR GNU and is compiled with AvrStudio 4 and AVRstudio-5 (new version). This useful analyzer tool built by Vassilis Serasidis.

Logic Analyzer
Project Firmware, Schematic and Documentation