Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Multi Functions Mini Probe, Super Probe

08/13/2011 Category: Measurement, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous, PIC, Project, Tools

Superprobe is small and low cost multi-uses probe that can be used to measure, test or diagnose you electronics project. This device is designed around a PIC16F870, a 4 digit LED display module and very little else. All Operation in this device is via 2 pushbuttons. This multi tester has 18 function or mode: Logic Probe, Logic Pulser, Frequency Counter, Event Counter, Voltmeter, Diode Junction Voltage, Capacitance Measurement, Inductance Measurement, Signal Generator, Video Pattern, Serial Ascii, Midi Note, R/C Servo, Square Wave, Pseudo Random Number, IR LED, Pulse Width Modulation, and Stopwatch.

Multi Purpose Tester

To eliminate the effect of multiple segments having to share the same current source at the same time and dimming some digits more than others, the firmware is written in such a way that only one segment is active at any one time. This multi functions probe is designed by Luhan Monat. If you want to build this super probe here link for source code: hex file, asm file, schematic.