Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Multi Sensor Thermometer

01/24/2010 Category: AVR, Data Acquisition, Microcontroller, Monitoring, Project


This project shows you how to build thermometer with multiple sensor. The project use AVR ATMega168 as main processor and DS18x20 1-Wire® Thermometers as temperature sensor. It can monitor up to 16 DS18x20 thermometers, with a variable logging rate of 5 to 9999 seconds. The data is displayed on a multi-page LCD display and send to PC via RS232 at 19200 baud rate for recording. To view and save the serial output, you can use any terminal program like Window’s HyperTerminal or Br@y++ Terminal. The project source code written in C and compiled with AVR Studio 4 and the AVR-GCC “C” programming environment plug-in.

Multiple Thermometer
Project Detail and Documentation