Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

AVR Music Player with Alarm Clock

07/27/2011 Category: Audio, AVR, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous, Project

This music player project built based on AT90USB1286 microcontroller. It uses VS1033D music decoder which integrates music file decoding and digital-to-analog output. Other main part including 16×2 character LCD display, ST7066/HD44780 compatible, using 3.3V instead of 5V and DS1307 real time clock.

By finishing this project you can understand the communication between the microcontroller, memory, computer, LCD display, RTC, IR remote, and the music file decoder, said Frank, project designer.

avr project -mp3 player with alarm clock

The project is a simple proof-of-concept music player. It will allow the user to load music as through USB as though it is a mass storage device, display the current song to the user, display the current time, set custom alarms for every day of the week, and allow the user to control it through a remote control.

DIY music player digram block

Audio Player Alarm
Project Firmware, Schematic and Documentation