Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Digital Wall Clock With IR Score Keeper

11/18/2010 Category: AVR, Digital, Display, Microcontroller, Project, Timer

ScoreTime is a digital wall clock with a bonus inside: an infrared remote-controlled scorekeeper. The hardware is based on the Atmel AVR microcontrollers: an ATmega48 in the base, and ATtiny28 in the remote. ScoreTime helps players keep accurate score and track who is the current player in addition to performing its duties as a wall clock. The base unit is a standard digital wall clock, while the remote controls the scorekeeping functions and access to the configuration settings. Each player can score up to 99 points, and the “play to” score is programmable. When one player reaches the play-to score, the display flashes and no further points may be entered. (The flashing, called “celebration mode”, can be turned off.)

Score Keeper and Clock

The Score Time also tracks the number of points deducted from each player during the game. To activate the scorekeeping functions, the user simply presses one of the remote keys. Resetting ScoreTime to work as a clock again is as simple as changing the channel on your TV from your couch. ScoreTime project is designed by Jeffrey Bosch.