Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Arduino Simple Remote Monitoring

06/19/2012 Category: Arduino, Data Acquisition, Monitoring, Remote

This simple remote monitoring project uses Eye-Fi wireless SD card and Data Logging Shield for Arduino. The Eye-Fi is tiny wireless memory card. It can be used to stores photos like regular SD card and transfer images to your computer, smartphone or to various photo-sharing sites using built-in Wi-Fi transceiver. No more extra USB transfer step anymore.

Camera Remote Monitor

By combining Arduino, data logging shield with JPEG camera, and Eye-Fi you can build self-contained wireless monitoring camera with motion-sensing capabilities. Besides transferring images to your computer, you can push taken image to your smartphone, photo-sharing sites like Flickr, issuing email or Twitter notifications using wireless access provided by Eye-Fi service. This is all configured through the Eye-Fi application. Being Arduino-based, you can tweak it for cool features like time-lapse capture, motion sensing, or hack to laser trip wire.