Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Animal Tracker : Cat Data Logger

02/15/2010 Category: Arduino, Data Acquisition, Monitoring, Project, Wireless

Animal Cat Tracker

The project built to track cats. It will log when they go in and out of the house. You can see what cats favorite time to go out is. The project can sent SMS messages if a cat goes missing for a certain amount of time.

The system based on Arduino Microcontroller which is linked to RS232 RFID reader. As a wireless network bridge to send the data over the internet, It uses the Arduino Ethernet Shield and a Linksys WAP11 router. The tags used are standard 125Khz RFID keyfobs attached to the cat’s collar.

This project is suited for pet lover. You can monitoring where your pet goes and you will get early warning when it lose.

Cats Tracker
Project Detail And Documentation