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Atmel Extends CAP Family of Customizable Microcontrollers with ARM7-based Product

07/06/2007 Category: News

CAP7 Integrates FPGA Logic, Cuts IC Costs by over 50%

Colorado Springs, CO, June 25, 2007, Atmel announced today that it has extended its CAP family of customizable microcontroller-based System-on-a-Chip products with an ARM7 core. The new CAP7 customizable microcontroller is architecturally compatible with Atmel’s broad range of off-the-shelf ARM7-based MCUs and incorporates metal programmable cell fabric (MPCF) technology to integrate up to 450K equivalent ASIC gates in a metal programmable block for custom logic netlist conversion. Atmel’s flexible design flow allows an easy conversion path from FPGA netlist to the metal programmable block.

According to Atmel’s marketing director, Jay Johnson, Design engineers frequently use programmable ICs to accelerate their proprietary DSP algorithms in a gate array technology. Many choose FPGAs which represent a flexible, cost-effective solution for market-testing new products, when volumes cannot be predicted. However, once production ramp begins and controlling bill of materials is a priority, our CAP7 customizable MCUs offer a painless cost reduction path, without the typical NRE and long development cycle associated with a standard cell ASIC.

By eliminating an external FPGA, Atmel’s customizable microcontrollers can reduce IC costs by at least 50%. For example, in medium volumes (50K units), a 1 to 2M gate FPGA and ARM7 MCU, 2-chip solution, market price is between $13 and $20. With unit prices under $6, CAP7 can cut the cost by more than half. In addition, with an 80MHz CAP7, designers can double performance and reduce power consumption by 90%, compared to 1 to 2 watt FPGA solutions.

Link : News From Atmel