Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Home Alarm Security System

09/24/2010 Category: Alarm, Detector, PIC, Project, Security System

This simple, secure and cheap home security system is activated and deactivated by little Rolling Code transmitter. The security system is equipped with two sounder, internal with piezo speaker and AG8 external sounder, a microprocessor controlled external sounder with a built in strobe and rich of features (silent installation,two flash settings, optional sounder settings (multi-sweep or two tone), selectable timer). To detect intruder, there are two sensors are used in the project : magnetic contact for the door and impactor, a smart shock sensors for the door.

simple secure home alarm

The project which is designed by Andrea Ciuffoli uses microchip PIC16F877A microcontroller as main processor. MCU firmware is written in C and compiled with HI-TECH PICC-Lite. Download : source, binary (hex), schematic.