Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Eight-Channel RF Remote Controller

01/24/2012 Category: Control, Digital, Microcontroller, Project, Remote, Renesas

This controller was developed using Renesas SKP16C62P Starter Kit Plus. Each remote controller is controlled via RF. There are four types of generic control: general purpose timer, sprinkler timer, cooler, and heater. Each Controller may have up to 4 stations, (the Sprinkler Timer may have 8 outputs by multiplexing the outputs). Each controller’s program is loaded into the SKP from a Visual Basic GUI via a RS232 serial connection. The SKP display is used to show time of day, temperature, and status. The SKP switches are used to change the Controller’s Modes to override the automatic Controller’s programs.

8 Channel Remote Controller RF

The system hardware consists of three main parts. First, the Main Controller. It consists of the Renesas SKP16C62P Starter Kit Plus, an RF Encoder Decoder board, an RF Transmitter, an RF Receiver, a Serial Connection, and a power connection. Power is supplied by a 5 VDC Regulated Wall Wart.

RF Remote Pool Controller

The Pool Controller. This part consists of an RF Encoder Decoder board, an RF Transmitter, an RF Receiver. Additionally Dave Barnard, project designer, used some old hardware he had laying around to provide a display and a micro for measuring the outside temperature and sending the temperature data via the RF transmitter. And the last part is The Garden light controller. It consists of an RF Decoder and an RF Receiver that controls a relay to supply power to the 12VAC Lights.

8 Channel Remote Controller
Project Firmware, Schematic and Documentation