Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Timer Related Resources

Teachers Timer

August 29, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Project, Timer No Comments →

Teachers Timer is ATtiny13-based innovative and discrete timing device for assisting teachers and lecturers. Using cell phone style vibrations and a simple one-button interface the user can be alerted to the passage of time without staring at the clock. For lectures and presentations the device can also include a laser pointer that will gently fade […]

Personal Swimming Timer

March 28, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Digital, Measurement, Microcontroller, Project, Timer No Comments →

The AVR ATmega8 based swimming timer project help the swimmer to counts the lengths of the pool swum and calculates swimmer speed. The timer consists of two units – the timer unit, which counts and times length pairs; and the display unit which sits on the bottom of the pool and displays to the swimmer […]

Quiz Lockout, Scoreboard, and Timer System Using Microcontollers

June 18, 2007 By: admin Category: AVR, Project, Timer No Comments →

Project description:The goal of this Master of Engineering design project was to build a control and scoring system for high school quiz bowls. The system consists of a moderator unit and player units which ensures that only one of eight players may buzz-in to answer a question. A scoreboard and timer unit design is discussed […]