Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Bluetooth Related Resources

Finger-Sized Arduino with Built-in Wireless Feature, RFDuino

April 02, 2013 By: admin Category: Arduino, Control, Wireless No Comments →

RFDuino is tiny low cost Arduino compatible board with wireless enabled microcontroller. It runs Arduino code and can do everything an Arduino can. Using the RFduino USB shield, simply plug the RFduino into a USB port of any computer and use the Arduino IDE to load your Arduino sketch, which automatically begins running on the […]

Arduino Motorcycle Control Panel

February 18, 2013 By: admin Category: Arduino, Measurement No Comments →

This motorcycle control panel is built based on Arduino. It works as motorcycle speedometer, tachometer and gear indicator. It read pulses from bike’s tachometer circuit and reed switch senses wheel rotation. At each wheel pass it calculates wheel speed in RPM and then divides that into the most recent engine RPM. The ratio is unique […]

Bluetooth Home Automation

January 30, 2013 By: admin Category: Control, Microcontroller, Remote, Wireless No Comments →

The purpose of the project is to build Bluetooth Home Automation based on MSP430 Launchpads. It can be used to control home appliances, i.e. lights, computer, media, games, etc. This boosterpack uses PAN1325A Bluetooth module with Bluetooth chip-CC2560 and CapTouch Sensors. In the video demo, you watch Boosterpack turn on house lamp with touch of […]

Bluetooth Network Activity Monitor

January 16, 2013 By: admin Category: AVR, Monitoring, Wireless No Comments →

This Network Activity Monitor is built based on ATmega328p microcontroller. It can display your current network status like download and upload speeds, ping, lost packets, email notifications, ADSL parameters and history graph of Down/Up without need to log in to your routers web page or SSH.