Code Vision AVR : C compiler and integrated IDE for AVR Microcontroller
If i asked by someone, what type compiler for microcontroller AVR do you like most? perhaps i will answer Code Vision AVR. because, I like C so when Code Vision AVR based on C, That will easier for me to development program for AVR microcontroller. The other reason is it has fitur Code Wizard AVR that help us to configure internal function of AVR microcontroller easily, like Timer, INT0, I/O, USART etc.
Why use C language to program AVR microcontroller?Atmel has announce that AVR microcontroller designed and optimized using Assembly and C language. Many resource mention that C more faster and small size, this advantage suit for microcontroller that has limited memory to store the program. That’s all my opinion, If you have another Compiler for AVR Microcontroller feel free to share with us.