Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

ATmega32 Related Resources

RFID Mobile Payment System, Mivo

December 13, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Digital, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous, Project, Wireless No Comments →

This low-cost stripped down mobile payment system features Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for identification, 4-digit security pin authentication and Ethernet Data Transfer. The ATmega32-based project prototype is intended for a low-cost secure payment system that has the potential to change lives in rural areas of developing countries.

AVR based PCB Drill Machine

November 29, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Motor, Project, Tools No Comments →

This project shows you how to construct a PCB drill machine driven by a master-controller board and three stepper motor driver boards. These four single sided PC boards each contain an Atmega16/32 microcontroller. Communication between the boards is performed using the RS485 protocol with all communication initiated by the master-controller. The PCB drill machine firmware […]

Fiat Car ECU Monitor

October 21, 2010 By: admin Category: Automotive, AVR, Monitoring, Project No Comments →

This ATmega32-based project allows the owner of a Coupé Fiat – produced between 1993 and 2000 – to interrogate the engine control unit while the vehicle is in use. In essence, it reproduces most of the functionality of a commercial ECU code reader but is integrated into the vehicle. It can also be used in […]

AVR Wake On LAN Server

September 07, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Interfacing, Microcontroller, Project, Remote No Comments →

This AVR based WOLServer allow you to sent WOL packets securely from the Internet to a target PC. The project used Atmel AVR ATMega32L with uIP TCP/IP protocol stack to provide the internet capability. It has a 10base-T Ethernet port to connect to your local network. You can access it by using any telnet client […]