Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

RS232 Data Logger

08/12/2010 Category: AVR, Data Acquisition, Microcontroller, Project

The RS232 Data Logger is entirely a software solution to log data using the ATmega169 AVR Butterfly The unit is used side by side with existing products or your homemade projects which has UART capability but it is not able to store much data for an extended time duration. AVR Butterfly has UART and a 4M bit Data Flash chip on-board. Ultimately able to store EXTENDED periods of interval logging. This module can possibly be used with a FLUKE 189 DMM. *One has to build an IR module as it only accepts UART through IR*.


A PC-based application serial reader was also developed to extract data from the RS232 Data Logger. This application interfaces with the AVR Butterfly through UART which is the same UART that was used to capture data from the target. The PC application saves the extracted data into a file while is later used to massage the data to a more presentable form.

Chung Beng Hian, project desinger, explain that the RS232 Data Logger features which makes it usable and more friendly: Selectable UART settings: Baud rate, Data size, Stop bits, Parity bits; UART query message; Timing interval for the logging; Capturing data and Playback captured data.

Data Logger RS232
Project Detail and Documentation