Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

LCD Smartie, Windows Software for LCD

07/19/2011 Category: Display, Interfacing, Software

LCD Smartie is software for Windows that you can use to show lots of different types of information on your LCD/VFD. It supports LCD/VFD’s with a Hitachi HD44780 Controller, a Matrix Orbital Serial/USB LCD, Crystalfontz Serial/USB LCD, Seetron Serial LCD/VFD, IRTrans driven VFDs, SoundGraph iMON VFDs, Futaba VFDs, Pertelian LCDs, VL System L.I.S VFDs, IEE Inc. VFDs, and PalmOS devices (when used with PalmOrb).

2x16 LCD from Crystalfontz using LCD software

The software is written using Delphi 7, but plugins can be written in any language that allows you to build a DLL (Current Plugins are written in Delphi and C++)

Windows program for controlling LCD

The program can display: Speedfan stats, Everest stats, MBM stats (your CPU temp, fan/cooler speed, etc), BBC World News (or any other RSS feed!), WinAmp stats (currently playing tracks title, length, position, etc), Network stats (speed, total bytes, etc), CPU Speed, Disk available/free, memory usage, Email details, game stats, and many more. This LCD program is free to download right here.