Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


ArduRoller Balance Bot

November 22, 2011 By: admin Category: Arduino, Motor, Project, Robotic, Sensor No Comments →

This project shows you how to build a balance robot based on Arduino named as ArduRoller. It has nice chassis design and balances quite well on the spot. The robot also responds to knocks pretty quickly but sometimes giving it a more gentle push sends it gliding across the room at a constant speed. Shaun […]

Inverted Pendulum Balancer

April 25, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous, Project, Robotic, Sensor No Comments →

The goal of this project was to build and implement an inverted pendulum balancer based on microcontroller, in the vertical two dimensional plane, using Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) feedback control.

Line Follower Vehicle

March 31, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Microcontroller, Project, Robotic No Comments →

The project aim is to build autonomous car following a line against a luminance contrasting surface. It uses AVR8515 microcontroller to control the drive and steering servos. The car is equipped with an array of sensors (Infrared LED and phototransistor) to detect the path line. Each LED illuminates the floor, and the sensors detect the […]

Autonomous Mini Sumo Robot

January 06, 2011 By: admin Category: Digital, Microcontroller, PIC, Project, Robotic No Comments →

Seeker II is an autonomous mini-sumo robot which is designed to compete in mini-sumo robot competitions. It is low, fast, very aggressive, and has wide tires that provide a lot of traction. The robot’s brain is Microchip PIC16F876 programmed in C.