Circuit Lake

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Thermometer Related Resources

Arduino Based Infrared Thermometer MLX90614

May 10, 2012 By: admin Category: Arduino, Measurement, Microcontroller, Project, Sensor No Comments →

If you want to build a contactless temperature measurement and looking for an idea, then this project is for you. Martin Nawrath has built non-contact infrared thermometer using MLX90614 and Arduino. This device can be used to measure temperature with range from -70 to +380 degree Celsius. Just connect the four leads to your Arduino […]

Simple Temperature Alarm

February 16, 2011 By: admin Category: Alarm, Digital, Measurement, Microcontroller, PIC, Project No Comments →

The project shows you how to build a simple temperature alarm with PIC16C84 microcontroller and a 2-line LCD display. It can be used as a temperature alarm or a thermostat – the only difference being that with an alarm an intermittent beep is produced when a limit is exceeded.

Multi Sensor Thermometer

January 24, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Data Acquisition, Microcontroller, Monitoring, Project No Comments →

This project shows you how to build thermometer with multiple sensor. The project use AVR ATMega168 as main processor and DS18x20 1-Wire® Thermometers as temperature sensor. It can monitor up to 16 DS18x20 thermometers, with a variable logging rate of 5 to 9999 seconds. The data is displayed on a multi-page LCD display and send […]

PIC Digital Thermometer

April 01, 2009 By: admin Category: Digital, Microcontroller, PIC, Project, Sensor No Comments →

This Digital Thermometer project uses a standard (PDIP) PIC16F684 as main processor and standard thermistor as the sensor. It will tell the temperature between 0 and 140 farenheit. The project use 3 digit, 7 segment as the display. This project is actually quite easy to build but a little hard part is calibrating the thermistor.