Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Motor Stepper Related Resources

Telescope Focus Controller

May 03, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Microcontroller, Project No Comments →

The Telescope Focus Controller was designed to allow computer control of the telescope focus position through a serial port. It also allows manual control through clockwise and counter-clockwise buttons on the telescope’s keypad. To turns the focus shaft of a telescope, The project use stepper motor to do it. The project consist of microcontroller ATmega8 […]

20A Unipolar Stepper Driver

January 03, 2010 By: admin Category: Analog, Control, Motor, Project No Comments →

This project show you how to build Unipolar Stepper Motor driver for high current. The driver able to handle up to 20A. The main component in this driver is L297. While the driver circuit is more or less taken from the L297 datasheet. More features from the project are : Handles a maximum of 100V, […]

Unipolar Stepper Motor Driver

December 31, 2009 By: admin Category: Control, Interfacing, Motor, Project No Comments →

This project enables you to drive two unipolar stepper motor or eight electric light bulb or DC motors. There are eight DC power switch you can open or close through PC parallel port. For safety reason, digital interface to PC uses optocouplers. You can connect up to six circuits to a single LPT, driving up […]