Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

Power Supply

Adjustable 1.5 – 35 Volt DC Regulated Power Supply

May 12, 2012 By: admin Category: Analog, Power Supply, Project No Comments →

This small power supply provides a regulated voltage, adjustable between 1.5V – 35V at 1 ampere. This circuit is built based on IC LM317. This circuit is ready to use, you just need to add a suitable transformer. This circuit is thermal overload protected because the current limiter and thermal overload protection are included in […]

12V Car Charger For Portable Notebook

September 09, 2010 By: admin Category: Analog, Miscellaneous, Power Supply, Project No Comments →

This project is good solution if you want charge your laptop inside your car. ASUS Eee 12v Car Charger circuit based on LM2576 “Simple Switcher” from National Semiconductor. The IC has lower drop-out voltage (~2V) which is important when powering the device from a car or 12v SLA battery. The charger uses PE92108KNL Inductor from […]

Fast 7.2V NiCad Battery Charger

July 02, 2010 By: admin Category: Power Supply No Comments →

This battery charger built using IC MAX713, a NiCad battery charger IC from Maxim. It will control the fast charge time and monitor the cell voltage. The project can charges a battery approximately 80% charge in 22 minutes at a current of 2.4 Amps. Once the fast charging has ended, it trickle charges the battery. […]

PIC Based Intelligent NiCd/NiMH Charger/Cycler

June 28, 2010 By: admin Category: Microcontroller, PIC, Power Supply, Project No Comments →

This PIC16F876A-based accu cycler project allow you to charge and discharge NiCd and NiMH accumulators for R/C modelers and others. It has performance close to commercial products in the market. The ‘intelligent’ part of the system can communicates with PC using serial port providing additional process visualization.