Air Humidity and Temperature Data Logger
This temperature and air humidity data logger is built based on PIC16F876A microcontroller and SHT11 sensor. The sensor provides accurate measurement and is fully calibrated (no need to calibrate from user). The logger can measure temperature with range from -40°C to 99°C and Humidity from 1 – 99% with resolution 0.1°C temperature and 0.1% RH. Its temperature accuracy is ±0.5°C at 25°C and Humidity: ±3.5 % RH.
The logger is equipped with 16×2 LCD for display and four push buttons for command input. It has EEPROM memory 24LC512 (64×8 Kbits) to store the data up to 3 years max of continuous work time. In addition, Dallas DS1307 is used for real time clock. The project has user-friendly menu for configuring the parameters, preview mode for viewing non-saved measured values, and is able to transfer saved data to PC via RS232 interface. This portable temperature and humidity logger required 9V power supply.
The project comes with ATIV analiza software to read stored data and display it as graphic. The software allows you to do basic graphic manipulation like zoom, moving and selecting a specific session from saved DTS file.