Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection


Simple GPS Navigator

October 04, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Data Acquisition, GPS, Interfacing, Project No Comments →

The AVR-based GPS navigator named as Butterfly GPS, allow you to find your fixed position of Latitude and Longitude along with date and time in UTC. This simple GPS receiver device uses ATMEGA169 Butteryfly kit as main controller and GPS receiver engine based on SiRF chipset.

GPS Receiver System

September 20, 2010 By: admin Category: Arduino, Data Acquisition, Display, GPS, Interfacing, Microcontroller, Project, Sensor No Comments →

The project show you how to interface an Arduino, SparkFun GPS Shield and Nuelectronics LCD Keypad Shield together to build a full functionality GPS receiver system. This Arduino GPS project code uses TinyGPS library and includes code from the ArduPilot Project for navigation.

Programmable Autopilot System for Aircraft, Car Or Boat

September 15, 2010 By: admin Category: Arduino, Control, GPS, Microcontroller, Project, Sensor No Comments →

If you are looking for controller system for your autonomous vehicle project then ArduPilot can help you reduce “a complex” part. ArduPilot is arduino based programmable autopilot that need GPS module and infrared (thermopile) XY and Z sensors to create a functioning Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The autopilot controls both stabilization and navigation, so you […]

GPS Clock

June 11, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Display, GPS, Microcontroller, Miscellaneous, Project, Wireless No Comments →

This accurate clock project is developed based on the GPS Receiver which captures a time signal from the U.S. government’s global positioning system (GPS) satellites and parses it to extract time syntaxes from NMEA string to finally display on 7-segment displays. The transmitter on GPS clock then broadcasts the time to every other nearby wireless […]