Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

MATLAB Related Resources

AVR Digital Stethoscope

February 11, 2013 By: admin Category: AVR, Data Acquisition, Detector, Measurement, Microcontroller No Comments →

This digital stethoscope can be used as computer aided diagnosis (CAD) applications for the detection of cardiac murmurs. It can assist physicians in analyzing cardiac signals in real time during auscultation to reduce the risks of not detecting heart murmurs conditions. The Stethoscope system is built based on ATmega644 AVR microcontroller and custom-built sensor to […]

Ultrasonic Security System

June 29, 2012 By: admin Category: AVR, Microcontroller, Security System No Comments →

This portable security system is built based on Atmega644 microcontroller. It can detect intruders based on their physical presence. The system uses URM37v3.2 ultrasonic sensor which is connected to MCU through rs232 serial communication. To rotate sensor for wide coverage range, the system is equipped with Parallax servomotor. For user interface, there are LCD and […]

Line Follower Vehicle

March 31, 2011 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Microcontroller, Project, Robotic No Comments →

The project aim is to build autonomous car following a line against a luminance contrasting surface. It uses AVR8515 microcontroller to control the drive and steering servos. The car is equipped with an array of sensors (Infrared LED and phototransistor) to detect the path line. Each LED illuminates the floor, and the sensors detect the […]

Phototransistor Array Image Scanner

December 22, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Detector, Digital, Microcontroller, Project No Comments →

The goal of this project is to build image scanner that uses a phototransistor array to detect light intensity instead of CCD overlaid with a photoactive layer of silicon. The system uses internal ATmega644 Analog to Digital converter to capture light signal from sensor. The data then transmits to MATLAB for image processing through serial […]