Circuit Lake

Electronic Project and Circuit Collection

I2C Related Resources

Interfacing 8 LCD Displays to Microcontroller with Only Two Wires

June 13, 2013 By: admin Category: AVR, Display, Interfacing No Comments →

If you have electronics project that need many LCD display with limited MCU IO pin out, you can use this method to accomplish it. Jesus Echavarria has successfully interface 8 LCD displays and 24 Leds with only two wires: SDA and SCL from an I2C bus. The project uses MCP23017 (16-Bit I/O Expander with Serial […]

Advanced Motor Control Card

August 04, 2010 By: admin Category: AVR, Control, Motor, Project No Comments →

The project will show you how to build an advanced motor control with high speed communication, encoder feedback and automatic control with AVR ATmega16 microcontroller. Analyzing motor feedback is the most important task in a motor control and therefore, the project, which is designed by Rickard Haglund & Lars Carlsson, use two Atmel AVR microcontroller. […]

AVR Project : I2C Tiny USB

December 07, 2008 By: admin Category: AVR, Digital, Microcontroller, Project No Comments →

The i2c-tiny-usb project is an open source/open hardware project. The goal of i2c-tiny-usb is to provide a cheap generic i2c interface to be attached to the usb. It is meant as a replacement for those simple and cheap printer port to i2c adapters. A USB solution has several advantages incl. the built-in power supply and […]