Circuit Lake

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Arduino Controlling Images on 4D OLEDS

09/18/2009 Category: Arduino, Control, Interfacing, Tutorial

interfacing arduino - OLED

This tutorial inspired by serial OLEDS from 4D Systems. Jenny has pulls it together to make you easy learning how to Controlling Images on 4D OLEDS using Arduino. This project uses µOLED-128-GMD. Before you do any coding you can test run to see if the images are on the card properly by loading images on the SD card for an OLED slide show

Once you’ve downloaded the library, put it in the following path arduino-0010 -> hardware -> libraries. When you start writing your program in arduino, import the OLED library. The library is specifically written for the MicroOLED-160-GMD1module, but works fine with the other modules, except the x parameter on all functions can’t be more than the number of pixels that your 4D_OLED has.

Control 4D OLEDS
Read More Controlling Images on 4D OLEDS